## install PHP , APACHE and other nessecary RPMs using yum##
yum -y install autoconf automake automake17 bzip2 bzip2-devel bzip2-libs compat-gcc-34 compat-gcc-34-c++ compat-glibc compat-glibc-headers compat-libf2c compat-libgcc compat-libstdc++-296 compat-libsdc++-33 curl curl-devel expect expect-devel gcc gcc-c++ gdbm gdbm-devel gmp gmp-devel groff httpd httpd-devel httpd-manual krb5-auth-dialog krb5-devel krb5-libs krb5-workstation libgcc libidn libidn-devel libtool libtool-ltdl libtool-ltdl-devel ntp openssh openssh-clients openssh-askpass openssh-server openssl openssl-devel pcre pcre-devel perl-libwww-perl perl-Archive-Tar perl-Digest-HMAC perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-HTML-Parser perl-Net-DNS php php-ldap php-mysql php-pear redhat-rpm-config rpm rpm-build rpm-devel rpm-libs rpm-python sed setup setuptool stunnel system-config-date wget which zlib zlib-devel ncurses-devel
## install LDAP RPMs using yum##
yum -y install nss_ldap openldap openldap-servers openldap-devel openldap-clients perl-LDAP
#### Update the system ##
yum -y update
when done, Reboot the system
Creating of LDAP Folders
## Creating a LDAP directory instead of using the default ##
mkdir /var/lib/ldap/AL
## Copy moving the DB config file ##
cp /etc/openldap/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/AL/DB_CONFIG
## change the ownership to LDAP ##
chown -R ldap:ldap /var/lib/ldap/AL/
Configuration of LDAP
## Creating Root password ##
generate new LDAP root password in SSHA encryption (Without quotes)
slappasswd -s "Your Desire LDAP root password"
Example {SSHA}GSNjXV+Vlz1h989jGayZCbVKD1yrsxgf
## Edit slapd.conf using vi ##
vi slapd.conf
## additional variable to add in before database definitions - Disable annoymous login ##
disallow bind_anon
## Other changes to be made ##
edit the database to "bdb"
edit suffix to "dc=al,dc=ldap"
edit rootdn to "cn=root,dc=al,dc=ldap"
edit rootpw to the encryption password we generated earlier
rootpw {SSHA}GSNjXV+Vlz1h989jGayZCbVKD1yrsxgf
edit directory to "/var/lib/ldap/AL" to the folder we create earlier
## additional variable to add in "" - For fast searching ##
cachesize 10000
## additional variable to add in "" - Default size limt is 100 ##
sizelimit 999
save the configuration
Start openLDAP "/etc/rc.d/init.d/ldap start"
Installation of PLA
#### Install PhpLdapAdmin (PLA) ##
PLA can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpldapadmin/files/
## untar the file to /var/www/html ##
tar {phpldapadmin-version}-xvf
## change the folder name to a shorter naming convention##
mv /var/www/html/phpldapadmin /var/www/html/pla
## Start Apache Server ##
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
Point your browser to the webserver -
Login to pla as root (Without Quotes)
login: cn=root,dc=al,dc=ldap
Using pla, we could create the respective OU groups and accounts under dc=al,dc=ldap
For more information of PLA, please refer to
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